I want to personally invite you to a unique writers conference I’m hosting here in eastern Tennessee on September 8-10, our third annual Fiction Intensive.
This weekend retreat will include 12+ hours of instruction, time for peer critiques, and a few special guests and surprises. I’ll be teaching some of my favorite seminars as well as lots of new material.
You’ll learn:
- Five ways to make your character immediately come alive to your readers.
- Specific tips on creating moral dilemmas that will engage readers, reveal characterization, and add intriguing, unpredictable climaxes.
- How causality affects the movement of every action and the progression of every scene, and precipitates every twist.
- The importance of believability and how to make any event in your story more believable.
- Why it’s essential for characters to fail in order for a story to proceed.
- Specific ways to identify five different types of plot flaws and how to fix them.
- How the four types of status can work together to create intriguing characters—and what will undermine that.
- The five reasons why readers keep flipping pages (and why you never want to appeal to the last one of them!).
- Why conflict does not equal tension, motivation does not equal intention, difficulty does not equal dilemma, and structure does not equal story.
- And much, much more…
The conference is limited to 40 attendees, so make sure to register soon.
Johnson City, Tennessee is centrally located, within a day’s drive of half of the population in the United States, and is beautiful in September. Come early and enjoy a day hike on the nearby Appalachian Trail!
Visit www.fictionintensive.com to register.
Steven James
P.S. I’m thrilled to teach some of the new approaches to writing and storytelling I’ve been developing over the last few years. I hope to see you soon. Feel free to email Rachel, our conference director, at info@stevenjames.net with specific questions.
I attended your writing intensive on Whidbey island in WA with Bob Dugoni. It was terrific. I’m feeling like I could use a refresher. Do u know what your dates might be for 2025? Locations? Thanks
I just saw this email now. We are planning a Novel Writing Intensive in Nashville this fall and a week-long Advanced Fiction Institute this summer. Shoot Pam Johnson an email, or write to info@stevenjames.net and we’ll get you the info you need. Be well!—Steven